murder mystery party
foam party
attend black tie gala
see a boxing match
get pottery supplies
236. Color Me Mine With My Kids
Color Me Mine. What a place of magical creativity! When you first walk in all you see is wall to wall color. They have the coolest paintings displayed from some of their paint nights, a gazillion different clay figures to pick from, paint swatches and color comparisons so you know exactly what your creation will look like once it’s done. As we learned the paint colors change once your figure is put into the kiln. And when I tell you they have every sort of paintbrush or sponge you could possibly need to create with I mean they have EVERY kind. Plus, the customer service is top notch. In truth…
make a tie dye shirt
234. Knit a Giant Stitch Blanket*
This is a goal that I finally accomplished in 2022… the first time. I grew up among the most creative and talented women. I remember from a very young age watching both of my grandmothers and my own mother sew, crochet and knit. Although they would make me things and my grandmothers tried to teach me how to create a few odd things, it just never took. To this day I cannot sew in a straight line. Thankfully the gods were smiling at me the day my mom decided she would try handknitting her own giant stitch blanket. It was such a cool idea! That seems to be a normal…
create a bumper sticker