make a model car with erik
do graffiti
290. Read 100 new books
I have read so many books in my time that I honestly can’t say how many I’ve actually read. However, instead of boring myself (and potentially you) I’ve decided to lay out a new challenge. If I’ve read it before it does not count!!! Give me something new, give me something exciting! Give me a story I never dreamed I’d fall in love with. This is also the beginning of the 1000 Adventures Book Club. If you would like to join me in reading a 100 new books yourself please either follow along with the list below and let me know what you think; or find a book of your…
go canoeing with erik
find a pearl in an oyster
use a metal detector
experience weightlessness/antigravity
eliminate junk mail
eat cactus
283. Eat alligator
Well I did it. I ate alligator. Not just me, my husband, Erik, my kids and even my awesome cousin were here. I will say this. I did feel tremendous guilt over tackling this adventure. Up here in the great white north we have cows, pigs, and chickens as our main meat source. If you are a hunter or happen to know one you might find yourself eating moose, bear, deer, fish, elk, etc. But alligator? No no no. Here alligators are exotic creatures and we mostly don’t think about eating them. I felt so guilty for eating such a cool and majestic creature. My cousin on the other hand…