249. Get a Ring Light
It used to be called a Diva Light, but either way I was so excited when I was able to purchase my very own. I put in so much time and research and reading reviews before I found just the right one. I was not willing to compromise on my budget and was relieved when I didn’t have to.
The week leading up to the much awaited Amazon delivery was a bit confusing. The photo that accompanied my upcoming order was showing an outlet plug, but when I clicked on the image there was my ring light. So my guess was as good as yours, I had no idea what was coming. (Check out my social media pages for the videos).
My anticipation built all week until the package finally arrived. To my relief there it was. Sitting in the box waiting to be illuminated, to accompany me on my many adventures, was my ring light. I remember having my husband film the unboxing and having to do a couple of takes as we struggled slightly with our creative differences haha. (Ironically the light itself would have erased that issue). But we got the shot and I was able to pull everything from the box, put it together and practice using the light.
I must have tinkered with it for a good 30 minutes before I was satisfied I knew how to use all the features. I will certainly admit I couldn’t have hooked the remote up to the bluetooth on my phone without Erik’s help. Golly, I love that man.
And now here we are, almost a year later and I rarely film without it. Even if the light isn’t on the stand is always in use. It’s become my most beloved filming tool.
So take this as a sign, if there is something you want or need to help your dreams come true jump on it. You won’t regret it.