236. Color Me Mine With My Kids
Color Me Mine. What a place of magical creativity! When you first walk in all you see is wall to wall color. They have the coolest paintings displayed from some of their paint nights, a gazillion different clay figures to pick from, paint swatches and color comparisons so you know exactly what your creation will look like once it’s done. As we learned the paint colors change once your figure is put into the kiln. And when I tell you they have every sort of paintbrush or sponge you could possibly need to create with I mean they have EVERY kind. Plus, the customer service is top notch.
In truth I wish I had been less shy and had taken more pictures of the facility itself. It’s an odd feeling for me to go into places and tell them about my page, and try and ask for permission to document their business. In hindsight I always realize that they would probably appreciate any extra marketing. ugh. Lesson learned for next time.
ANYWAY! I had an awesome time with my kids. Even though it was so pricey in there and we only got to paint two things, I can see how it can be an addicting place to be. When I tell you I have never seen my kids do so much teamwork, sharing and calm communication then you can bet I was so freaking proud of all of them. Even though my 1 year old was enjoying taste testing the paint and was getting tired and grumpy, even she had fun adding colors to the unicorn and watching her brothers paint.
We had an afternoon of giggles, spilled paint, messy hands, and silent contemplation. When all was said and done my kiddos were all so proud of themselves for a job well done and I was beaming with pride over the fact that they are just awesome humans.
I love these little interactions with my kids. It’s truly amazing how much you can learn about people in such a short amount of time. That afternoon I got to see new sides to my kids, I’m sure that part of themselves typically reserved for school, and see what everyone else gets to see. Not just the muddy boots left in the front entry, the dirty clothes piled on the floor, and not even the bath water that somehow turned into a tsunami in less than 15 min. I got to see their gentleness with each other, and their ability to compromise and be flexible, to share a vision and accept pieces of another, their creative attempts and problem solving if those attempts didn’t quite go to plan. I can’t say enough how stunned I was.
If I got anything out of this adventure (aside from how awesome color me mine is) it’s that I really do have awesome kids and I can’t wait to do more adventures with them. As long as they are with me then why stop at a thousand when I would take a million more?